Friday, December 16, 2011

National Chocolate Covered Anything Day, Friday, December 16, 2011

This poor girl seems to have spilled her chocolate.
Yes, Friday, December 16 is "National Chocolate Covered Anything Day" - A day were you forget the diet, flip off the dentist and indulge. Be creative, that's the fun part of a day like this. Put chocolate on everything and you may just discover a gem to hold onto for next year.

Based on the research, no one seems to know how and when this holiday came to life. It seems by default that if the holiday revolves around food, the label, "National" is applied to it. However, there are no acts of congress or presidential proclamations that justify this day. It just seemed to surface.

Welcome To The Funny Holidays Blog

Welcome to the weird part of the blogsphere.
Bloggers are always looking for content. Where's the next story coming from. We have ideas in the back of our head, but certain stars haven't aligned or there are missing pieces in the puzzle and the story never materializes. I had that happen to me months ago, but I never forgot what I was looking for. And now I've found it - Funny Holidays. This is going to be a great blog. Should be full of laughs. And actually could be interesting and informative.